Gzan phen `Od zer
...rig nang bstan slob grva chen.
Kun mkhyen Padma dkar po
Rdzon Rtse Byams-pa Thub-bstan (comp.)
'byun no mtshar-dad pa'i sgo 'byed ces bya ba bzug so: history of Bkra-sis Lhun po Monastery of the Dge-lugs-pa sect of Tibet, includes biography of their lineage priests
Vol.1: 7222301380x. Vol.2: 7223014040, Vol.3: 7223014407. Vol.4: 7223015136.
Tshe brtan mi 'gyur:
ISBN: 9788186419618, 8186419616
Zu Chen Tshul Khrims Rin Chen
Reproduced from the Ven.Luding Rinpoche's example of the Sde-dge edition o;f Gsung 'bum
Na-ro mkha-spyod Sa-skya pa'i lugs
Naropa transmited by the master of the Sakya-pas tradition, 6 Vols;
Bdud joms gling pa'i
ISBN: 9789993661733, 9993661732
Konchog Tenzin Kunzang Thinley Lhundub..
Ngor chen kun dga bzan po
Rdza sprul nang dbang bstan `dzin nor bu
Zabs dkar tshogs drug rang grol
ISBN: 9788174720870, 8174720871
Reproduced from a set of xylographics and digital prints.
Bo dong Pan chen rje' jigs med grags pa
ISBN: 9787105133932, 7105133937
Gun than Dkon mchog bstan pa sgron me
Rgyal dban Kun dga' rin chen (1475-1527)
ISBN: 9788190144933, 8190144936
Gter-bdag glin-pa, 'Gyur-med rdo-rje
Dkyil-Khan Mkhan-Zur Blo-bzang, sbyin-pa
Reproduced from tracing of a set of prints from the Bkra-sis Lhun-po Dpal-'byor Lhun-po blocks from library ;of Bka-'chen bzod-pa
Dge dun chos phel
Bra g-phug Dge-bses Dge-'dun rin-chen
Reproduced with the author from his manuscripts
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