Mchims `jams dpal dbyangs
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Mi bskyod rdo rje, Eighth Karpa pa(15..
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Rnga ba `jam dbyags rgya mtsho
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Kun mkhyen Padma dkar po
Mchims Jam pa'i dbyans
Rgyal dban 'phrin las rnam rgyal
Dge slon rnam rgyal dban chen
bya ba bzugs so: A commentary on Acharya Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakosh, 2 vols.
to the revelations of Terchen Dudjom Lingpa(sgas gter che bdud 'joms gling pa, 1935-1903) arranged by his immediate re-embodiment Jidgral yeshe Dorje(Jigs bral ye shes rdo rje 1904-1987).
Lo tsa ba blo gros dpal
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Bras spungs mkhan khri bstan pa .....
Author: ...bzan 'dzin.
Rgya mtsho bkris thub bston mkhas....
..... btsun (ed.)
authorship on aspects of Buddhism;;;;;Reproduced from rare manuscripts from Tango Monastery near Thimphu
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